Effortless DIY Costumes | Margot Tenenbaum
Hoping for a haute Halloween but don't know where to start? If things come down to the wire, just crack open that closet and solve your last-minute costume crisis with stuff you already have. A few months ago, GLAM reached out to see if I wanted to partake in their Halloween video series, being as I'm not one to shy away for anything Halloween related I jumped at the chance. I'm all for using things you already own to create a costume, for my look I channeled Margot Tenenbaum, the platinum blonde Wes Anderson character we all love!
This costume was super easy to throw together and really only needed a few key pieces to achieve. If you don't have faux fur in your closet, Goodwill or consignment stores normally have quite the selection and at a good price. Additionally, if your in a pinch, use standard bobby-pins and paint them red with nail polish!
What are your Halloween plans?