Anoraks & Overcoats

Anorak casual days via. Birdie Shoots

After the beautiful weather this past weekend I can't wait for warmer days! Me and the boy spent the weekend in Sausalito and had a picnic at Fort Baker. It had to be at least 75, and I couldn't help but wish it was that gorgeous every day.

Anorak casual days via. Birdie Shoots
Anorak casual days via. Birdie Shoots

I was brought to my senses on Monday when the fog rolled in leaving us with a dreary afternoon and evening (insert crying emoji). February tends to be one of those in between months where dressing can be a bit tricky. This is where my lighter overcoats and anoraks get the most wear. 

I adore this army green anorak (old H&M purchase) and find that it always bring a good balance to my outfits -aside from this practical purpose! The nice thing about these lighter jackets is that most of them are cotton, so they pack nicely and are easy to layer if need be. 

What are your go-to lighter layers?

Anorak casual days via. Birdie Shoots
Anorak casual days via. Birdie Shoots
Anorak casual days via. Birdie Shoots




Birdie Shoots is a San Francisco based life and style blog.

Casual Friday, Minimalist


Chopped Summer Salad