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How He Asked

From the moment we are introduced to romantic proposals from long haired beauties rescued by their knight and shining armor we visualize that we too will one day get to experience that kind of love. I may not have long hair or be anything close to a princess but, I do know what it means and feels like to love and be loved in return. I’m sure most of you have heard me mentioned ‘the boy’ or ‘kev’ in a post, and if not that then you’ve seen his photography which plays an essential part on my blog.

We've been together for almost three years now and after last weekend will be together until we’re old and gray. Here’s a peek into our day and how he asked..

Last Saturday started like any other and after a crazy work week, Kevin suggested that we go on a long hike in the Marin headlands. We had already booked an evening seaplane ride but, wanted to be able to stay in the area until we took off around 5. Unbenounced to me, our dueling plans couldn’t have been a better fit. After a few failed attempts to find a spot to picnic on our hike, and being turned down by, “its too crowded”, “let’s wait”, and “too many tourist” we finally agreed to go off the path a bit and settle down in the grass off the beaten trail.

I had only managed to eat a few bites of lunch before Kev anxiously handed me a letter. At first I didn’t think anything of this, he’s quite the romantic and had written me letters in the past. Upon opening it, I realized it was much, much, more than that. After tearing up he proceed to get down on one knee and asked the question I had been waiting to hear since childhood, “will you marry me.”

I know it sounds cliche but, it was the most surreal and emotional moments of my life. I instantly broke down and had began to cry, and of course said YES! After calming my nerves, and calling our moms we decided that it only natural to scream, “we’re engaged”. Yes, I suppose we’re that couple. Once the excitement settled in a bit, I realized we had the perfect ending to our day, the seaplane ride over San Francisco.

We dove to Mill Valley and were met with glasses of champagne and the friendliest staff members. We boarded the plane, champs in hand and took off on what would be the perfect experience to cap off our day. We flew over Marin, Sausalito, and San Francisco, experiencing the collision of sunset and fog as it seeped over the Golden Gate, it was incredible! We had graciously been offered this luxury San Francisco experience by IfOnly, and if you're someone who enjoys unique events you have to check out their site!

This really solidified how much more I value experiences over things. To celebrate those special moments, big and small I’m excited to share that IfOnly is offering you $50 off your first experience! The code BIRDIESHOOTS will be valid through June 30, 2016. Feel free to share it with friends!

Many thanks to IfOnly for sponsoring today’s story and adding to our special day!



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