4th of July Outfit Ideas

4th of July Outfit Ideas via. Birdie Shoots | www.birdieshoots.com

4th of July has long been one of my favorite holidays! There really isn’t anything better than gathering with family and friends and celebrating during the warm summer months. Back in the day, I wouldn’t dream of wearing a cardigan or sweater in July. But, living in San Francisco has made me learn that just about any outing at the beach requires layers! With the shift in weather, I’ll definitely be relying on strategic layering to take me from day-to-night. As for the patriotic color palette, I actually enjoy wearing this color scheme through spring and summer. It’s a classic combination that's polished and works for any casual-to-semi-formal occasion.

4th of July Outfit Ideas via. Birdie Shoots | www.birdieshoots.com
4th of July Outfit Ideas via. Birdie Shoots | www.birdieshoots.com


4th of July Outfit Ideas via. Birdie Shoots | www.birdieshoots.com
4th of July Outfit Ideas via. Birdie Shoots | www.birdieshoots.com
4th of July Outfit Ideas via. Birdie Shoots | www.birdieshoots.com
4th of July Outfit Ideas via. Birdie Shoots | www.birdieshoots.com

I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July! A big thank you to the men & women who risk their lives every day to fight for our country!




Birdie Shoots is a San Francisco based life and style blog.


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