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Canadian Tuxedo

Welcome to Casual Friday link-up! This link-up is all about sharing your personal style and what has inspired you most this week. I look forward to seeing your favorite looks, and getting to know you!

Want to join-in on Casual Friday? Add your favorite fashion-related post of the week using the Linkup widget and mingle with the other linked-up bloggers. I’m not a huge fan of “link-up buttons” so all I ask is that you comment, link back to this post, and follow me through one social media channel below: 


Often, and when I say this I generally mean 9-5, Monday-Thursday, I live in denim. It’s more than a go-to for me, it’s my comfort zone. Since I’m either sitting behind the computer, pinning photos on the ground, or riding public transportation washable fabrics are a must. Yes, my life is that glamorous! Because of this casual work style I can often be seen rocking the Canadian tuxedo, or in layman terms, denim-on-denim.

My collection of denim is always and ever expanding and because of this I can justify it as a “work” wardrobe essential. I recently received this Topshop Moto denim jacket in one of my TruckClub boxes and absolutely fell in love. I have another fitted style (seen here) from J.Crew but, after unsuccessfully trying to (and failing) to steal my mom’s vintage Levi I opted to invest in this one.

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What is your take on denim-on-denim?



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