The Pacific Standard

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How to Make Candied Citrus Slices

Fresh citrus inspired recipe | Continue for full recipe & photos

Ingredients & Tools

2 Small Blood Oranges

2 Small Lemons

3 1/2 C Sugar

Non-stick Cooking Spray

Parchment Paper

Drying Rack


Wash citrus, and thinly slice so they are all around the same size. One blogs suggested using wooden skewers as guidelines, if you prefer not to eyeball measure and cut. 

After all the slices are cut, it is time to blanch the lemons/oranges. Bring 6 cups of water to a rolling boil and place the citrus in for 5 minutes. {1:2 citrus:water}

Drain the water and put 3 C fresh water and  3 1/2 C sugar into the same pot. Stir the sugar until it has completely dissolved into the water. Return the citrus to pot and bring to a slight boil, then simmer for 1 hour uncovered. 

Prepare a cooling rack to transfer slices to after boil. Spray the surface with a non-stick cooking spray {the citrus will be very sticky while drying}. I placed a layer of parchment paper underneath for easy clean-up. 

Once the citrus is done, transfer to the drying rack to cool up to 24 hrs. If you so choose to you can sprinkle the tops of the slices with raw sugar, for an extra sparkle and sweetness. To store and keep fresh, place the citrus in a airtight container with layers of parchment paper separating them. 

You can save the remaining syrup, for a citrus infused sweetener that you can add to ice tea, and other desserts.  Recipes found here

