Freelance Life: The Importance of Taking Breaks and Scheduling Me Time with Chameleon Cold-Brew Coffee

Freelance Life: The Importance of Taking Breaks and Scheduling Me Time with Chameleon Cold-Brew Coffee |

This post was sponsored by Chameleon Cold-Brew Coffee, all ideas expressed here are 100% my own.

Any freelancer knows all too well that working from home often means there is no set schedule! In comparison to a standard nine-to-five, freelancing often means putting in early mornings and late nights in order to get a job done on schedule. Since taking the plunge and going full-time blogger in May, I’ve noticed that my work mornings often turn into long afternoons and early evenings. The thought of detaching from work or taking breaks can be challenging, especially if you feel like your on a roll. The more I get into the groove of organizing my work day the more need I find to carve out time for breaks and me time!

Freelance Life: The Importance of Taking Breaks and Scheduling Me Time with Chameleon Cold-Brew Coffee |
Freelance Life: The Importance of Taking Breaks and Scheduling Me Time with Chameleon Cold-Brew Coffee |

Unfortunately, there is no manual on how to be self-employed. Much of what is learned is done so through trial and error and with time. Because of this getting burned out or feeling exhausted are real feelings and something that many of us freelancers experience on a weekly basis. The great news is that we are in control of our time and how we utilize it! Just imagine your company or business as a typical office environment when breaks are generally a requirement. Taking breaks not only gives your mind time off but also allows you to stretch your legs, get outside or even grab a snack (after all brain food is a must!)

Freelance Life: The Importance of Taking Breaks and Scheduling Me Time with Chameleon Cold-Brew Coffee |

I typically like to schedule my breaks around times that I know I’ll need a meal or a light bite, normally around noon and 3 PM. If I know it’ll be a later work day I typically like to mix up something healthy and filling so that I’m not starving when dinner time rolls around. This is where my Chameleon Cold-Brew smoothie comes into play! It’s the perfect frosty treat to power through a busy afternoon or perk me up in the morning. The best part is that it only requires four ingredients!

Freelance Life: The Importance of Taking Breaks and Scheduling Me Time with Chameleon Cold-Brew Coffee |

HOW-TO Chameleon Cold-Brew Date Shake

Makes 2 Servings


2 Frozen Banana
4 oz Chameleon Cold-Brew Concentrate
4 oz Vanilla Almond or Nut Milk
1-2 Medjool Dates  - based on your sweetness (pitted) 

In a blender, add all listed ingredients, and blend until smooth and creamy! Pour into a tall glass and enjoy.



This recipe could also be the perfect solution for those working in an office environment! I used to keep a small bullet blender in the pantry and mix up a version of this smoothie each morning. Alternatively, you could also enjoy Chameleon Cold-Brew with water or nut milk, I would suggest a 1:1 ratio! The great thing is Chameleon Cold-Brew is available at retailers nationwide such as Whole Foods, Target, Kroger, Meyer, Safeway, and Publix (find yours here!)


Freelance Life: The Importance of Taking Breaks and Scheduling Me Time with Chameleon Cold-Brew Coffee |
Freelance Life: The Importance of Taking Breaks and Scheduling Me Time with Chameleon Cold-Brew Coffee |

The other common occurrence that sneaks up on freelancers is running into a creative rut. It happens to the best of us and even though it can be incredibly annoying, it's bound to happen. When this happens to me I usually know it’s time to unplug and decompress with a little me time. Typically, I’ll throw in some headphones and do some things around the house or go for a run. Getting your mind off of the thing you're trying to create allows your brain to recharge and can even spark ideas you wouldn’t have thought of!

Are you a freelancer or do you work from a home office? I’d love to know what brain-breaks you take to stay alert and on schedule! Bonus, if you have any delicious Chameleon Cold-Brew recipes share below!




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