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How I Created a Lifestyle Change By Practicing the Keto Diet

This post has been sponsored by ZonePerfect. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Diet. It’s one of those words many of us cringe when we hear, but what if dieting didn’t need to come with the strong stigma? By practicing the Keto diet you won't feel tempted to indulge in unhealthy foods. I’ve not only gained more self-awareness in the foods I choose to eat, but I’ve also begun to change my perspective of dieting in general. 

I’ll be honest, when I first heard about the Keto diet years ago, my thoughts were always immediately that this diet was all about cheese, meats, and zero carbs. In reality, this really couldn’t be further from the truth. (I should note that I am NOT a dietician, I’m just sharing my personal experience!) I follow a high protein, moderate fat, low carb daily intake of calories, which follows the Keto plan. Some of you may be on your health journey this new year and have questions about Keto. Continue reading to see how I got started and how you can integrate this into your life with small changes to your diet.

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Hey Safeway shoppers! ZonePerfect Keto is a participating product in “The SHOP, PLAY, WIN!® Collect & Win Game featuring MONOPOLY”. download Shop, Play, Win App when they purchase ZonePerfect product for a chance at winning prizes.

How do I start the Keto Diet?

The easiest way to start any lifestyle change is to do it! There is never a right time, so, if you’re inspired to start, go for it! I started practicing Keto right after Thanksgiving and into the holiday season. Yes, I realize this wasn’t an ideal with all the amazing sweets and lavish meals, but if there’s a win, it's that I was able to learn that I didn’t need that afternoon snack or after-dinner dessert. In all honesty, my toughest battle wasn’t the sugar; it was the carbs. I LOVE the taste of carbs, shoot, who doesn’t? But, another reason I started Keto was that I realized when I was eating too many carbs, I felt nauseous, bloated, and lethargic. Keto helped me fine-tune what I was able to eat and taught me some guidelines for how I should approach mealtime and snacking.

How can a busy parent practice Keto?

I completely understand that choosing to follow a specific diet does not always lend its hand to being accessible, especially for busy parents or individuals. As someone who works from home and also cares for my daughter, Keto was a relatively easy change to make. I made necessary swaps to remove sugars and excess carbs, and I’m still more than able to eat dinners, meals out with friends, and snacks. On an average day, I start my morning with a ZonePerfect KETO Vanilla Frosting Powder. I mix my shakes with sugar-free almond milk, a TSP of non-fat greek yogurt, and 1/4 of a banana. At lunchtime, I’ll have a low-carb lettuce wrap with deli meat and cheese, salad, or soup. For dinner, I stick to regular meals but leave sugary sauces and carbs on the side. 

I’d classify myself as someone who moderately follows a Ketogenic diet. I don’t obsess over calorie counting, or weigh myself daily. Nor do I deprive myself when celebrating a holiday or birthday. The real key here to follow is moderation, which is right in any diet you choose to follow. Through practicing the Keto diet and utilizing brands like ZonePerfect, I’m more able to make conscious decisions in the foods I want to eat. 

How do I Stick to the Keto Diet?

Any diet or exercise routine takes a certain amount of hard work and will power. If you’re determined to make a change, then you will. But, if you’re only looking for a quick fix, this probably isn’t the solution for you. The hardest part of starting Keto was the 3rd or 4th day. After you make it past this and on-to your second week, you’ll see just how easy it is to get into the groove of things. You’ll realize that you don’t crave the carbs or sugars when you aren’t eating them if you find yourself wanting something sweet turn to keto-friendly alternatives like ZeroPerfect that satisfy this craving. I find that when I give myself these allowances, I’m less likely to give in to sugary treats. I love the ZonePerfect ready-to-drink KETO shakes when I have a sweet tooth, especially when I'm on the go. The White Chocolate Coconut flavor is smooth and has just the right amount of sweetness to satisfy my cravings and fill me up.

The other change I’ve found that you will notice too is that I’m less likely to pick up products that aren’t within the scope of the keto diet. Safeway makes it easy to pick up the fresh produce I need while also giving me options that are Keto approved located in the exercise section. The Safeway app also allows you to create a grocery list and add offers for check-out!

Many people may discourage a change inspired by a new year, but if that’s your reasoning, then great! Just remember that any health change worth making takes time and effort, don’t expect overnight results. When you do notice small changes, it’ll give you the peace of mind that you are on the right path to making a lifestyle change!



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