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Binge-Worthy Podcast to Listen to NOW!

By now most of us have hopped onto the podcast bandwagon thanks to newsworthy hits like Serial and This American Life. Beyond just the newsworthy podcasts lie a TON of binge-worthy listens perfect for getting you through your 9-5 job or the dreaded commute. The great thing about listing to a good podcast is how relatable they can be to your life. Top-rated podcasts are those in which create connections and actually take to you rather than at you, which I find to a trait of all of the recommendations below. As much as I want to jump in and share my personal favorite crime podcasts, I’ll spare you and give a mix of genres that are a bit more acceptable for the workplace, just remember to plug in those headphones!


The Skinny Confidential Him & Her Podcast

Mmkay, this girl (and guy) knows her stuff! She's straight to the point, tells it like it is and isn’t afraid to dive into topics that may be marked as taboo. Oh, and did I mention she's also a badass blogger and entrepreneur? I’m personally hooked on the conversational dialogue and relatable 20-30 something topics that many of us have gone through or are currently experiencing. Below are a few of my favorite listens from the archive:

Episode 67 - Be Well by Kelly

Episode 109 - Kate Somerville

Episode 104 - The Master List


Criminal Podcast

This is what I like to call my go-to “clean” crime podcast. You won’t find any gruesome descriptions or 911 calls, but more of the obscure crimes. The host has an incredible voice that was MADE for radio, her tone and dialect reminds me a lot of that of Serial, in that your kind of hooked on what she has to say. You can also tell the stories she shares are well-thought out and come full-circle which is nice if you only have 30 minutes or so to listen to a podcast. Below are a few of the episodes I found interesting that’ll be sure to get you hooked!

Episode 33 - Deep Dive

Episode 88 - Cold Case

Episode 4 - Call your Mom

Episode 86 - Willie Basket

Reply All Podcast

Sometimes when I’m in a rut I like to binge a few episodes of Reply All. Most of the time the episodes are tech or current news related (with the occasional random episode). I enjoy the banter between PJ Vogt and Alex Goldman and appreciate the in-depth conversations they have amongst the topics they chat (or argue) about. The great thing about the dialogue between the two is how they can collaborate on storytelling. A few best podcast episodes that’ll capture your interest and possibly make you laugh a little are shared below.

Episode 68 - Vampire Rules

Episode 82 - Hello?

Episode 56 - Zardulu

Episode 71 - The Picture Taker

Episode 91 - The Russian Passenger

My Favorite Murder Podcast

I'm sure by now that most of you have heard of the My Favorite Murder Podcast, if not, then allow me to introduce you to my #1 favorite podcast! Georgia Hardstark and Karen Kilgariff lead the incredibly entertaining podcast series where they share and discuss murder cases from around the world. Now, the concept behind the series may seem morbid, (Comedy and Murder?) But, the conversation and storytelling between these two are incredible. They manage to make you laugh, sigh, and crave victim justice all in one episode! Normally, I'd list a few favorites below, but honestly, they're all good - so jump in and start listing!

What are your go-to Podcasts to listen to? (Episode suggestions are encouraged!)



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